
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Career Exploration Lessons- Webquest

This month we have been focusing on careers. I wanted to do some type of self-exploration activity with the students where they learn a bit about themselves and find careers that match their interests/personality. Initially, I was hoping to find a webquest of sorts for the students to explore, but was not able to find anything age appropriate that I liked. There were a few great websites, but none that had everything I was wanting to cover. Instead, I decided to create my own mini-webquest. I have included powerpoint presentations that I have created, as well as a worksheet to go along with the websites. All of the links are listed below. I hope that other school counselors will be able to use some of these resources to help your students explore careers!

Lesson 1: Introduction to Careers- why people choose career (30-45 minutes)
PowerPoint Presentation

On day one talking about careers, we discussed the definition of a "cluster" (relating it back to the career clusters), discussed why adults work, and how they choose their jobs. The students then created a story by entering a few words about what they like or enjoy doing, using this site. Below is a sample story made by this site! There is also a printable story where students just write in the words.
 Lesson 2: Career Exploration (45-60 min.)

Each student received a worksheet to guide them through this "webquest". As a review of the previous lesson about choosing careers based on interests and personality, the students started by learning their "Holland Code" by using this quick assessment from In this assessment, students simply check the box next to the things that interest them. Once they submit, they are given a score for each of the 6 Holland Codes. After students have learned what their Holland Code is, we discussed as a class what each one meant, and what kinds of careers people with those personalities would typically like. 

Next, students searched using Paws In Jobland for jobs related to their interests. They were to choose three jobs that are most interesting to them, and write down why they would be a good fit for those jobs, based on interests/personalities. 

Once a teacher verified that they had completed the search site, they could go to VA Career View to explore more careers through games and activities.  

Career Links:
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:


  1. Hi Amanda,
    I love this lesson and would like to use it with my HS students this year. When I click on the links for the powerpoint and the worksheet it brings me to dropbox but says the file has been deleted or moved. Is there anyway I can get them from you?


  2. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for your interest in my career lesson! I have corrected the links so you should be able to download the powerpoints and worksheets now. I hope your lesson goes well!

  3. Hi there,
    I would love to use this lesson. When I click on the links for the power point and the worksheet it brings me to a dropbox byt sayd the file has been deleted or moved. Is there any way I could get them from you? Also, I keep trying the Holland Code Personality Assessment and it takes me to something about grants and scholarships. Do you still use this assessment?


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