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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Puzzle-Themed Office Space

I am learning quickly that it's hard to decorate a K-12 School Counseling office! I want it to be inviting to all students from Kindergarten on up to 12th grade. Needless to say, there is not much out there that this wide age range can agree on. So, I went with a puzzle theme. My theme for my open house board was "Your school counselor can help you make the pieces fit", and I had created a puzzle display using photoshop to discuss the (FOUR!) domains that I would be helping students with this year. (Academic, Personal/Social, Career/College, and Spiritual). If I could re-do this, I might have the "spiritual" domain going around the other three, since God should be in ALL areas of their life.
Office Posters: Eye-catching displays to remind students about the rules in the counseling office. 

Where is the School Counselor Sign: I also made a sign to hang outside of my door that tells where I am at in the building. The pointer is just a sheet of foam cut into the shape of a puzzle piece and glued to a clothespin.

Locker Note I have a locker where students can slip notes to me throughout the day. Since I have a K-12 building, I have one locker in the secondary hallway, and one in the elementary hallway to make sure all students are able to reach me if they need me. 

Purchase the signs for your counseling office through my Teachers Pay Teachers store!
School Counselor Sign Collection: Puzzle Theme

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